Jl Gunung Sahari Raya No. 1
Jakarta 14420
Jakarta 14420
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MATRIX Telephone Voice Recording System is a PC-based Voice logger. Equipped with the software that will allow you to work in search of voice data and perform repeated playback. Data compression capability equivalent to 1 Gb or 280 hours of recording time.
MATRIX is the right choice because in addition to reasonable prices but also the quality is guaranteed. Available from the USB 2 port model and 4 port, 8 port, 16 ports and E1 PCI card model.
MATRIX Telephone Recording System adalah Voice Logger yang berbasis PC. Dengan dilengkapi oleh software yang akan memudahkan anda bekerja dalam pencarian data dan melakukan playback ulang. Kemampuan kompresi data 1 Gb setara dengan 280 jam waktu perekaman. MATRIX adalah pilihan yang tepat untuk karena disamping harganya reasonable namun juga kualitasnya dijamin. Tersedia mulai 2 port model USB serta 4 port, 8 port, 16 port dan E1 model PCI card.– MATRIX VOICE LOGGER PCI card *4 ch = Rp. 4.250.000,-, *8 ch = Rp. 6.500.000,-, *16 ch = Rp.. 11.000.000
* Harga belum termasuk Instalasi dan Pemasangan =======================================================================================================================
Voice LOgger FastLog, VODATREX/zibosoft – PC-base
– Supports Windows 98/NT/2000/XP/2003. – Provides USB Voice LOgger FastLog *2 ch = Rp. 1.500.000,-, – Voice LOgger FastLog, VODATREX/zibosoft – PCI card *4 ch = Rp. 3.750.000,-, *8 ch = Rp. 6.000.000,-, *16 ch = Rp. 10.000.000,- – Can monitor the conversation for every line on the real time. – Supports three audio modes or customization, auto-recording, voice-control and manually recording (Key-control). * Harga belum termasuk Instalasi dan Pemasangan