Pasang PABX

Pasang PABX

Pasang PABX: PABX pertama kali digunakan oleh operator untuk menjalankan switchboard telefon sebuah  perusahaan dengan pemakaian istilah dua sistem otomatis untuk membedakan antar yang memiliki sistem manual dan sistem otomatis.

• PABX: Private Automatic Branch Exchange
• PMBX: Private Manual Branch Exchange

PABX singkatan dari Private Automatic Branch Exchange

PMBX singkatan dari Private Manual Branch Exchange.


Today PBX and PABX are synonymous, as the manual switchboards are no longer used.

Saat ini PBX dan PABX  memiliki persamaan

The components of a PABX phone system
The following is a comprehensive list of components required for a PABX phone system installation:

• The PABX’s internal switching network,
• Microcontroller or microcomputer for arbitrary data processing, control and logic,
• Logic cards, switching and control cards, power cards and related devices that facilitate PABX operation,
• Stations or telephone sets, sometimes called lines,
• Outside Telephone company trunks that deliver signals to (and carry them from) the PABX,
• Console or switchboard allows the operator to control incoming calls,
• Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS), consisting of sensors, power switches and batteries,
• Interconnecting wiring,
• Cabinets, closets, vaults and other housings.

Installation of a PABX phone system
The following steps are necessary to install a PABX phone system:

• Plug in the system and configure the IP address. You can do this by calling up tech support.

• Install the software supplied along with the system on any one of your PCs and make sure it can communicate with the system.

• Set up your account with the service provider.

• Plug in your phones to the network, give them unique extensions and enter the configuration info in the PC. Voila, you are ready to go with your PABX phone system, installed and ready to use.

If you are having any problems with the installation of your PABX system and would like some help, get in touch with the technicians at Pasang PABX division With over 10 years experience in Pasang PABX and a team of qualified staff, they are able to serve the needs of large organisations with complex needs to small start up companies. They provide a two hour service response 24 hours, 7 days a week throughout the year. Thus, they will be able to take care of all your PABX system needs, from installation / Pasang PABX to maintenance and repair.

Pasang PABXPasang PABX

Pasang PABX



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