Outdoor Cctv

Outdoor Cctv Camera Infinity Price List


Produk Foto Produk Harga Warna Spesifikasi
Image Sensor & Fitur
Outdoor Cctv Infinity DS 310 Jual Outdoor Cctv Regular Camera 1/3"PICADIS 720 TVL 24 Pcs IR AWB, AGC, ESC & backlight compensation Smart IR Mode 450.000 Grey 1/3″ Sony Color CCD, star light, 420 TVL, C/CS Mount Changeable
Infinity DS 810  Outdoor Cctv Camera 1/3"PICADIS 720 TVL 24 Pcs IR AWB, AGC, ESC & backlight compensation Smart IR Mode 600.000 Grey 1/3″ Sony Color CCD, star light, 600 TVL, C/CS Mount Changeable
Infinity DS 381  Jual Outdoor Cctv Outdoor Infinity DS-381 550.000 Silver 1/3″ Sony Color CCD, 420 TVL, IR 24 Pcs, Excellent Lux
Infinity DS 581  Jual Outdoor Cctv Infinity DS-381 750.000 Silver 1/3″ Sony Color CCD, 540 TVL, IR 24 Pcs, Excellent Lux
Infinity DS 573   Jual Outdoor Cctv Infinity DS-573IR Waterproof 500.000 White Black 1/3″ Sony SuperHAD 2, 540 TVL, 8 Pcs Special IR, AWB, AGC, ESC & backlight compensation
Infinity DS 873  Jual Outdoor Cctv Camera Infinity ds-873 IR Waterproof 700.000 White Black 1/3″ Sony SuperHAD 2, 600 TVL, 24 Pcs IR, AWB, AGC, ESC & backlight compensation
Infinity DS 874   Jual Cctv Camera Infinity ds-873 IR Waterproof 750.000 White Black 1/3″ Sony SuperHAD 2, 600 TVL, 36 Pcs IR, AWB, AGC, ESC & backlight compensation
Infinity DS 885V  Jual Outdoor Cctv Camera Infinity DS_885V_ 950.000 White 1/3″ Sony SuperHAD 2, 600 TVL, 36 Pcs IR, AWB, AGC, ESC & backlight compensation
Infinity DS 891V  Jual Outdoor Cctv Camera Infinity DS_891_w200 2.750.000 Silver 1/3″ Sony Color CCD, 600 TVL, 56 Pcs IR, Auto Iris, white balance, DNR
Infinity DS 892V Jual Outdoor Cctv Camera Infinity DS_892 2.250.000 Silver 1/3″ Sony Color CCD, 600 TVL, 48 Pcs IR Auto Iris, white balance, DNR
Infinity DS 988  Jual Outdoor Cctv Camera Infinity DZ_611_ 750.000 White 1/3″PICADIS 720 TVL 24 Pcs IR AWB, AGC, ESC & backlight compensation Smart IR Mode


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